+91 8758687144


to our industry

RRK Pulp and Paper Technology is one of the largest manufacturer & Supplier of pulp and paper machinery.Renowned scientist & metallurgist Mr .R Kumar is Founder & Chairman of the Company. RRK Pulp and Paper Technology started its first research unit for pulp and paper machinery in the Year 2005.

Paper production lines

RRK Paper production lines

Peripherals (fibre recovery systems, ventilation systems, vacuum systems), Fourdrinier-, cylinder vat - and inclinded wire sections

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Dryer Cylinders

RRK Dryer Cylinders

High and uniform surface temperature, energy effciency and good runnability are the three key requirements commonly placed on dryer cylinders.

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RRK Turbo Mix Agitator

RRK Turbo Mix Agitator

The RRK Turbo Mix is a horizontal agitator, suitable for all kind of fibers in chests, tanks and storage towers up to a consistency of 6% in the propeller area.

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IntensaPulper IP

RRK IntensaPulper IP

Highly efficient pulping process Pulpers have a major impact on the downstream stock prepa-ration processes.

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RRK Screen Basket

RRK Screen Basket

In the Pulp and Paper industry, screening has become a key process. The efficiency of such a system is directly related to the type of screen basket/plate used.

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RRK Turbo screen

RRK Turbo screen

Efficient screening and deflaking of difficult to defiber recovered paper grades, Stellite abrasion protection on rotor leading edges and screen bars

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Our Industry does not respect tradition.
It only respect Innovation

Who we are

About Industry

RRK Pulp and Paper Technology have global consultancy services, which supports organization to setup New Paper Mills and also helps existing Paper Mills to archive higher goals. RRK Pulp and Paper Technology also have international consultants based in Europe and USA.

RRK Pulp and Paper Technology is focused on Research & Development. Many researches done by RRK shown that latest technology proposed by RRK not only enables Paper Mills to increase its Paper quality but also reduces huge power consumptions of machines which is the key point of Profit for Paper Industry.

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About Us